UPDATE 01 November 2021
Dear Church Family,
We trust you are keeping well and are looking forward to the easing of restriction! We would like to let you know that with the current change in restrictions we will be resuming:
In-person Sunday church services: from Sunday 7th November 2021 @ 10.30am.
2.Monday Prayer time: From Monday 8th November 2021, 8.00pm – 9.00pm
Please note that there are government requirements for Places of Worship, that we will need to comply with:
All attendees must be fully vaccinated.
For those who may not yet have had the vaccine, we do not want you to miss out on having a meaningful opportunity to worship God and receive his word, and we encourage you to join us online on Sunday @ 10.30am (link available at cwc.org.au).
Face Masks
Anyone over the age of 12 years old and any child currently studying in Grade 3 - 6 is required to wear a mask indoors and for those in Prep - 2 it is highly recommended.
Signing in
All attendees will be required to sign in via the QR code at entry.
We thank God for the opportunity for us to gather again, with a renewed focus for and passion to fulfil the great commission that Christ has given us. Especially reminding ourselves as we approach the Christmas season, that God’s light of hope prevails over every situation…
God Bless
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Just wanted to update you that as per the Premier’s announcement today, restrictions on religious gatherings have only been increased to 100 people, as such, we will still NOT be able to resume in person church services. These number caps will be in place for the next 2 weeks and reviewed thereafter. Therefore:
Sunday Service on 1st and 8th August - Will be live-streamed.
Service link will be available via our website, Facebook and Instagram.
Monday Prayer – WILL RESUME ON SITE @ CWC 8PM – 9PM
We look forward to seeing you all in person, once the restrictions are eased, until then don’t miss out, join us online!!! And let’s worship God together in spirit.
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Just to advise you that in keeping with the revised list of restrictions announced by the Acting Premier, Religious gatherings and ceremonies will be able to resume with the requisite density limits.
Therefore, we will recommence onsite Worship Services this Sunday 27th June at 10.30am (Please note that masks are still required for indoor public gatherings).
Thank God for his faithfulness, even in the dark valleys “he is with us” and our strength is in Him.
See you all on Sunday….!
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Just to advise you that in keeping with the revised list of restrictions announced by the Premier, Religious gatherings and ceremonies will be able to resume with the density limits that previously applied.
Therefore, we will recommence onsite Worship Services this Sunday 21st February at 10.30am (Please note that masks are still required for indoor public gatherings).
Thank you for praying through… God is faithful.
See you all on Sunday….!
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Just to keep you updated on changes to our services, in accordance with Premier Daniel Andrew’s announcement today:
Sunday Service: 14th February 2021
We will not be having an onsite service; However,The service link will be made available via our website (cwc.org.au) and social media.
Monday prayer time (8.00pm – 9.00pm)
Prayer time will not be conducted onsite, but we encourage you to spend this time in praying together as a family or individually, specifically upholding our state, nation and leaders in navigating these challenging times.
Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
FROM SUNDAY 13 DECEMBER (NEXT SUNDAY) we will returning to our regular service format of one service at 10.30 am. We will also be streaming our service at 10.30 each Sunday – The link will be available on the website and via Facebook and Instagram.
CHRISTMAS SERVICE: Will be at 10:30am on Friday 25th December.
DHHS Covid-Safe requirements to be adhered to:
As the regulations regarding the wearing of face masks relating to church services is undefined, we would encourage you to use your discretion in this matter. -
Social Distancing
Maintain 1 person per 2 sqm distance - seating will be arranged accordingly. -
Contact details
An electronic log of contact details of attendees is required to be maintained - To make this smooth and efficient, we will facilitate this via scanning of a QR code on your smart phone on entry. Our team will be on hand to help. -
If unwell
If you are feeling unwell it is required that you stay home and get tested – Also in the event a child is unwell at the King’s Kids program the parent will have to check them out and take them home (not back into the main auditorium)
God Bless you
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
The long-awaited news is finally here….!!! We will be recommencing onsite church services from Sunday 6th December 2020.
To ensure that we are compliant with the government regulations and give opportunity for visitors to be able to attend as well, we will be conducting 2 services on the following basis until further notice.
9:00 am – 10:00 am Service - For Individuals and Families WITHOUT children attending King’s Kids.
10:30 am – 11:30 am Service - For Families WITH children attending King’s Kids.
In addition, we will also be streaming our service at 10.30 each Sunday – The link will be available on the website and via Facebook and Instagram.
LIFE GROUPS: In person Life Group meetings will recommence in January 2021 and more details will be communicated in due course.
DHHS Covid-Safe requirements to be adhered to:
Wearing of masks is required within the church building.
Social Distancing
Maintain 1.5 m distance - seating will be marked accordingly.
Contact details
A log of contact details of attendees is required to be maintained - To make this smooth and efficient, we will facilitate this via scanning of a QR code on your smart phone on entry. Our team will be on hand to help.
If unwell
If you are feeling unwell it is required that you stay home and get tested – Also in the event a child is unwell at the King’s Kids program the parent will have to check them out and take them home (not back into the main auditorium).
We look forward to seeing you again as we give thanks to God for his sustaining grace and divine intervention in these unprecedented times… As the psalmist says….
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalms 100:1-5 (NLT).
God Bless you
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
We trust you are keeping well as we thank God for his grace in our lives and the reducing number of cases in our state. We want to thank you and encourage you that through your prayers and support, the ministry and mission of the church has continued unhindered. It is encouraging to see that the Good News of God’s love and grace has in fact been able to move beyond the confines of a church building to touch lives that we may never have otherwise been able to reach. We have even been able to conduct online Pastor’s conferences, with very encouraging results.
So, we give thanks to God!
We know that many of you are eagerly awaiting the resumption of Sunday Worship Services. However, this will still not be possible, in keeping with the present DHHS guidelines. Instead we will continue to conduct online services and King’s Kids online.
Some of our Life Groups have been effectively conducting Zoom Life Groups, with great participation and interaction. If you would like to join a Zoom Life Group please email Ps Andrew (andrew@cwc.org.au) and we will link you to a group.
Prayer meetings will continue on Mondays (8pm-9pm), Wednesday (8pm-8.30pm or 8.30pm-9pm) and Friday (8pm-8.30pm or 8.30pm-9pm). Your prayer is powerful and effective and makes a difference in the destiny of those around us.
Looking forward to the day that we will all meet again in person.
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
We trust you are keeping well and we thank God for His blessings of being able to stay connected though physically distanced, through our online services, King’s Kidz online and Zoom Life Groups.
Just wanted to encourage you that even though we may not have been able to physically meet together as a congregation, the mission of the church has relentlessly continued. The Good News of God’s word has moved beyond the confines of the church with many many people logging onto our online services, many students have been blessed and provided for, many of the pastors we partner with in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India have been provided with assistance, enabling them to navigate these challenging times. In addition we have seen new people join in at our Zoom Life Groups and even a baptism take place. So God is powerfully at work!!!
We know that many of you are eagerly awaiting the resumption of Sunday Worship Services. Instead we will continue to conduct online services and King’s Kids online.
Some of our Life Groups have been effectively conducting Zoom Life Groups,” with great participation and interaction. If you would like to join a Zoom Life Group please email Ps Andrew (andrew@cwc.org.au) and we will link you to a group.
Prayer meetings will continue on Mondays (8pm-9pm), Wednesday (8pm-8.30pm or 8.30pm-9pm) and Friday (8pm-8.30pm or 8.30pm-9pm). Your prayer is powerful and effective and makes a difference in the destiny of those around us.
Looking forward to the day that we will all meet again in person.
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Subsequent to our communication on 19 March 2020 the following changes will be adopted in accordance with the latest updates from the Australian Government. These changes will remain in place until advised otherwise.
LIVE STREAMED - Though we will not be conducting services at CWC we will be live steaming a service to you at 10.30am each Sunday. The link will available on our website (cwc.org.au) and via Facebook.
This is a great reminder to us that the church is not a building but it is people! And though we cannot physically meet together we can still be one in Spirit as we Live Stream the service into our homes.
We encourage you to make this a meaningful time of worship and being encouraged in the word.
Life Group meetings will be temporarily cancelled.
Will continue in YOUR HOME. Let’s all commit to spend the regular Monday prayer time (8-9pm) in prayer in our individual homes. We have a significant role to play in the destiny of our nation, and though we might be separated by distance we can raise up a unified prayer as a church, praying at the same time with one accord.
If you are unwell or facing a challenge please feel free to call your life group leader or one of the pastors so that we can pray with you, encourage you and support you. Remember you are not alone; we are a body and if one part hurts the whole body hurts (1 Cor 12:26)
There are some in the body who have experienced hardship due the current situation and at this stage don’t seem like they are eligible to any government assistance. As a church we are trying to make some provisions available to them (Vegetable oil, dhal, tea, sugar, long life milk, chick pea tins, Rice 5kg, canned tuna etc). If you would like to assist with sourcing any of these items please contact Ps Andrew (andrew@cwc.org.au) or if you would like to make a contribution towards this you could do so via EFT (Details on the church website).
We can take to heart Paul’s advice to the Philippian believers… “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7
The Eldership, Calvary Worship Centre
Dear Church Family,
Subsequent to our communication on 14 March 2020 the following changes will be adopted in accordance with the latest updates from the Australian Government.
We will split to 2 Sunday services and offer Live Streaming, commencing this Sunday 22nd March 2020 until further notice.
9.00 am – 10:00 am Service - For Individuals and Families without children attending King’s Kids.
10:30 am – 11:30 am Service – For Families with children attending King’s Kids.
Live Stream - We encourage those in more vulnerable categories to follow the service via Live Steam (The 10:30 am service will be live streamed and a link will be available on the website).
Life Group meetings will be temporarily suspended for the next 2 weeks (Weeks starting 23 March and 30 March).
We will be postponing the Fete (that was scheduled for 4th April 2020).
Monday Prayer meetings will continue as scheduled. We believe that God can and will move powerfully in the destiny of our nation.
Additional Health advice:
Greeting One Another
As church family, it is common for us to greet one another with a handshake or hug. At this time, we would strongly encourage you to refrain from these signs of affection and offer a wave, a smile or a verbal acknowledgement. A warm smile can brighten up your day!
Social Distancing
We encourage you to practice appropriate social distancing by reasonable spacing yourselves out when attending services.
We encourage each of you with the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 15:13 (NIV)
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
15 MARCH 2020
Dear Church Family,
As we face a ever changing world, we have an incredible opportunity to let our faith, hope and confidence in Jesus shine above the uncertainty around us.
As a church we are following the direction of the Government as they keep the country informed about the COVID-19 virus. This is an enormous responsibility and one we will continue to pray for as they lead our country.
We also want to ensure that we provide you with sound information regarding our church’s approach in the weeks and months ahead:
We will continue to monitor the advice and direction of the government and follow the direction that it issues
We will ensure that the highest hygiene measures are used within the whole church building with extra focus on the high traffic area’s throughout the building
We encourage you as good stewards of his house to use sound judgement if you or someone you know is unwell or showing symptoms associated with the virus. We recommend you refer to your GP for medical advice, stay home if you are unwell and ensure you prioritise your health.
We encourage you to follow the health advice issued by the Chief Medical Officer relating to prevention:
Wash your hands frequently
If unwell avoid contact with others
Exercise personal responsibility for social isolation
Let us avoid fear and panic based conversations - 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”
Let us exercise grace and wisdom in our daily lives and in our dealings with others - Colossians 4: 5-6 “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone”
Our services, life groups and prayer times will continue as usual unless we are instructed otherwise by the government and we will communicate this to you. We pray that during these very challenging times, the light of the church will be the hope of the nation. We believe in a mighty God and His grace to prevail in our nation.